John Trengrove

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Data Science at the Command Line

07 Mar 2015

A book I’ve been reading lately has been Data Science at the Command Line by Jeroen Janssens.

The book’s main premise is that you can do a lot of interesting stuff with data purely by working with simple command line programs and joining them together using text streams. I like this approach as it allows you to quickly explore datasets without breaking into a full programming environment and also work on data with a vast array of useful utilities.

I thought the book was put together very well. The pace is good and it is fun to read. I created an example below to illustrate some of the concepts.

#McDonald’s Example

Let’s suppose you are interested in McDonald’s locations for research (in Australia as that is where I live). You might be interested in this data as a measure of fast-food consumption, or perhaps as a competitor trying to plan your expansion strategy.

The first step would be to acquire this data source. McDonald’s Australia have a nice clean JSON file representing their stores in Australia available here

Accessing this data can be done as follows:

curl > stores.txt

This will retreive the data in JSON format for all locations in Australia.

A new utility I learnt about in the book was jq. This command line utility will parse and extract JSON data. I use it below to search for the store state, and store title in the downloaded file.

cat stores.txt | jq '.[] | .store_state+","+.title'

This returns the following in a csv-like format:


Another great set of utilities is csvkit. Csvkit makes it really easy covert to and work with csv files. Here I do some cleaning, add a header, and view the data with csvlook.

cat stores.txt | jq '.[] | .store_state+","+.title' | tr -d '"' | header -a "State,Store" | head | csvlook


|  State | Store                         |
|  VIC   | EASTLINK NORTHBOUND           |
|  WA    | BROOME WA                     |
|  QLD   | MCWHIRTERS II QLD             |
|  VIC   | VICTORIA GARDENS VIC          |
|  QLD   | CLIFFORD GARDENS QLD          |
|  NSW   | ERINA FAIR II NSW             |
|  NSW   | NEETA CITY II NSW             |

Nothing great to look at but pretty good for a few lines of code. Csvkit even allows you to run SQL queries on the data. Below I am running a query to group the stores by state.

cat stores.txt | jq '.[] | .store_state+","+.title' | tr -d '"' | header -a "State,Store" | csvsql --query 'SELECT State,count(*) AS Count FROM stdin group by State order by Count desc' | csvlook


|  State   | Count  |
|  NSW     | 316    |
|  VIC     | 248    |
|  QLD     | 218    |
|  WA      | 78     |
|  SA      | 52     |
|  TAS     | 17     |
|  NT      | 8      |
|  ACT     | 6      |
|  Wadalba | 1      |

It seems like the Wadalba McDonald’s store is going for independence! I did check the source data and it matches. Data quality is always an issue but props to McDonald’s on providing their data in a decent format. It saves time scraping (scraping is always possible) and makes it easier to integrate into other applications.